A.J. Moses, our beekeeper! |
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Kathy Luoma |
If I look at the definition of Who are Master Gardeners, the University of Minnesota says they "... are from all walks of life and volunteer on behalf of their university. They are eager to share best practices in gardening with people in their community that promote healthy landscapes, healthy foods, and healthy lives. They have completed a university-taught core course and contributed a certain number of hours to teaching research-based horticulture practices in their communities."
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Mary Green |
Paul Richtman |
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Tricia Jorgensen |
Liz Smith |
It is our hope that as this teaching giving garden shows the cycles of life from seed to seedling, from plant to produce, from produce to healthy food, that each lesson will have a life cycle of its very own. Life lessons to be carried on outside of this garden, into the new gardens of those who have learned, and to continue to teach for generations to come.
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Liz Nordling and Deb Lynch |
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Kathi McMahon |
Washington County Master Gardeners, thank you for all of your work, the lessons you teach, and moreover, for being amazing Master Seed Planters!
Quotes from our Master Gardner's extraordinaire!
"The Giving Garden is a place and project near and dear to my heart! I became a Master Gardener because I wanted to teach kids and adults about the beauty of plants, the importance of knowing where our food comes from, and the fun we can have working together to grow them! Being a part of The Giving Garden is a wonderful way to do just that! From the sowing of tiny tomato seeds in peat pots under grow lights in anticipation of spring... to working with the RCS staff to make a piece of ground come together to make a garden on Planting Day... to harvesting bicep-building bags of squash and tomatoes... to seeing the fresh produce get taken home by Valley Outreach clients...it's a full-circle experience for which I am so grateful! " - Kathy Luoma
"In 2009 Retail Construction Services began their Giving Garden and I began my Master Gardener internship. One of my first projects was volunteering at the Giving Garden. It's been exciting, over the years, to witness the garden mature and flourish through community support bringing the garden to literal fruition. I am grateful and blessed to have a very small role in such a wonderful project." - Tricia Jorgensen
"What a privilege it is to contribute to the RCS Teaching Giving Garden where I can enjoy the smell of plants, the feel of soil, the time to absorb nature and the company of others in a garden that is worked by many in order to give to many. " - Deb Lynch
"I love what RCS is doing with the RCS Teaching Giving Garden. Giving back to the community with food and sustainability is such a commendable way for a business to show their commitment to social responsibility. PLUS...the kids are amazing. They want to learn. They are excited to watch the garden grow and can't wait to weigh what they have harvested! The RCS Teaching Giving Garden is educating a whole new generation on the art of growing their own food. It is also so rewarding for the Master Gardeners to have the opportunity to share their experiences and their knowledge with so many children...without RCS we may not have that opportunity!" - Kathi McMahon
"I really enjoy working in the RCS Garden as it combines so many of my favorite things - working with kids and volunteers, providing good nutritious food for those who need it, and sharing my love of gardening. It is a win, win, win! Thank you for all you do to make this garden such a success!" - Liz Nordling
"The Giving Garden was unlikely to succeed when started years ago; growing vegetables in a parking lot! However, because of the effort by the RCS employees, they have made it successful! And, it gets better and better each year - as we learn from our mistakes." - Paul Richtman
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Click to link to the U of M Master Gardener Extension program |