Jr. Master Gardening Program Youth Click on any photo to enlarge |
Lessons in the garden |
Pumpking Patch Planting |
The Junior Master Gardeners ended their spring session by coming out to the Giving Garden to plant the tomato plants they helped grow from seed under grow lights in Kathy’s basement. We grew all of the tomato plants needed for the garden this year with the help of the awesome new greenhouse on site! When these rows of tomatoes produce fruit, we will be amazed by the variety of color, size and shape! Green, Yellow, Orange, Red, Pink-ish and Purple-ish...a rainbow!
Tomato Planting |
The kids also planted jack-o-lantern and mini pumpkin seeds in the new pumpkin patch with the help of a couple of knowledgeable parent volunteers! Thanks for your help!

We can’t forget about the snack of the day! We enjoyed vanilla ice cream with homemade rhubarb strawberry sauce before we got our hands dirty. The kids helped cut the rhubarb from Kathy’s garden the week before.
I can’t wait to have many of these Junior Master Gardeners join us to watch the garden grow up throughout this summer! Thanks for all of your help and enthusiasm.
- Contributed by Kathy Luoma--Washington County Master Gardener